Chemistry is hard!

So is math, so is english, actually any subject one can get a higher education degree in is in fact challenging.

Fancy that!

The fact of the matter comes to: how do you respond to people when they give you that “eek!” face and say: oh goodness, that’s hard!

I have found there are a few ways you can handle this situation:

1.) You can say something to the extent as: “Gee, thanks. It is challenging at times, but I do love the area and I love what I do!” This not only gives you a pat on the back all the while indirectly saying that it’s your career so no offenses.

2.) You can reply by giving your fellow grad students a nod. “Chemistry may be challenging, but have you ever done high-level economics?! Those kids got it rough!” People automatically think that if it was a class in high school that they hated, that it is a challenging subject. But what about the classes that weren’t as tough? Just because remedial economics is simple in high school (or at least it was at my school) does not explain what PhD candidates have to endure and find throughout their higher education progression. Moreover, I think science has this negative stigma related to it, that most students despise it in high school.

Either scenario allows for one to support not only your area of study, but also your fellow graduate students. Something to always keep in mind: you are not in this fight alone! There are hundreds and thousands of fellow grad students who need aid in grad school; whether it be physically, emotionally, or just a shoulder to cry on. You’re one of many so take credit where credit is deserved!

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